Sunday, June 5, 2011


Ok something is up. I have 194 followers on here but only 16 on the new and improved blog. I won't be blogging on here anymore after this post so if you don't follow me over at MY NEW BLOG then you'll never hear from me again :-( How sad would that be?

It's the same blog it's just under a new url. So get your behinds over there and re-follow me! Unless you really don't like my blog then by all means use your freedom of choice. After all, my husband serves to give you those rights ;-)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ok, I've figured it out

My new URL is here.
I'll be doing all of my blogging from there now. It looks exactly the same just a new url. Sorry to confuse everyone.

URL update

Ok so here's the deal. It may have looked like I deleted my blog recently but I assure you I havent. I changed my url to foreveryourssemperfi . blogspot . com  I didn't realize this meant my blog would disappear, blonde moment on my part. So I am going to leave this post up for a little bit under this old url so that my followers have a chance to get my new url and still follow me. I will be switching my url back to in a couple days.

I am trying to figure out how to export this blog so that I can import it under my new url but I'm not sure if it will work. I'll give that a shot though and let you know.

Bare with me.

URL Mixup

For the ladies who just started following me, my old url was I changed it recently and lost all my followers. So I am going to temporarily change it back to that to put up a post to let them know the change. Bare with me please.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Song Link Up

Song link up with Goodnight Moon!

This song makes me smile because my husband and I have been through so much and it's true, our love won't run.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Abigail went swimming

Well more like floating.

Someone accidentally splashed her. But it made for a funny face.