Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

So I have been pain free which is awesomeee. I think I'm back to decent health. Still have this wonderful cold but it's not as bad anymore.

Today is our last day in New York. We will be traveling back to NC tomorrow morning. We are celebrating the new year by sleeping I'm sure. We're having a nice dinner out with family tonight and then most likely coming back home and falling asleep so we can be up bright and early tomorrow morning.

I'm excited to get back only because there is a lot of preparation that needs to be done for the arrival of our little girl and the deployment of my husband. It will be a very bittersweet beginning to my year.

I'm already in the phase where I'm anticipating Jon's departure. I don't want him to leave but I want to be able to stop worrying if he will be here for Abigail's birth or not. I also would love to be able to start counting down days so I don't feel so far away from him.

I believe we are all set for Abigail's arrival. I finally have everything I think we might need. Of course a good portion of it is here in NY. I have only taken the things I think she will need for her first month to NC. So I really am banking on her being on time and not really early. Fingers crossed.

My dad and step mom got Jon and I beautiful new cameras for Christmas. I am super excited because we both needed them so that we can capture this next year and share our adventures.

Anyways,  I hope everyone has a wonderful new years eve and day!

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Abigail<3

Semper Fi<3

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Haven't posted

I've been mia for a while. I'll keep you updated later on. I was in the ER with Kidney stones but I'm thinking they are all gone now since I feel back to normal. Minus the cold and horrid cough.

I'll tell more later. I just wanted to update you quickly.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Home for the holidays

We are back in NY for Christmas and possibly New Years. I am super busy and most likely wont have any more posts until I get back to NC.

I will leave you with some baby updates though.

As of our last appointment Abigail is growing normally and I do not have gestational diabetes. I will be getting a growth scan every appointment from here on out to make sure she keeps growing properly. We got the ok to travel obviously and that made my day.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Party

So last night Jon and I went to his work Christmas Party. It was a lot nicer than I expected actually.

It was all decorated and lights were dim so that the christmas lights would stand out. They had a lot of really good singers and Santa was there for the little kids.

We had dinner, which wasn't amazing but it meant I didn't have to cook that night. I got to meet a lot of the people Jon works with and had some good laughs.

They had give aways but Jon and I didn't stay for that. We gave our tickets to his friend and left early.

I think all the little kids running around sniffling and coughing got me sick. I came home at 6 and forced myself to stay awake until 8. As soon as I hit the pillow I passed out.

It seemed like everyone had babies. It makes me so excited for Abigail to join us in this world. Plus it got me very excited for Christmas at home!

Monday, December 13, 2010

I've discovered something.

All this time I have hated grocery shopping and I could never quite figure out why. Until now.

I hate grocery shopping so much because I always spend so much and then when I get home I still feel like we have nothing. It doesn't make any sense to me! I got everything on our grocery list and usually fill the entire cart but once it's unpacked it's like nothing. Why is that?

Maybe because I usually am buying ingredients instead of munchy foods. Being pregnant I am always looking for munchy foods and when we don't have them, because I don't buy them, I feel like we have nothing haha.

I'm off to do the horrendous task once again. But I'm not so grumpy about it because I have a short list and it's the last time I'll have to go for 2 weeks since we head home on Saturday!! Yay!

Friday, December 10, 2010


USMC Cpl. Derek Wyatt died Dec. 6 while serving in Afghanistan. He leaves behind a wife and a newborn son named in his honor, who was born approx. 24 hours after news of his death!

I didn't know him personally, but a friend posted this as her status today to spread awareness that men and women are still dying overseas. 

Those of you who read my blog know that this story hits way too close to home. I'm sure it would to anyone with children and a deployed husband. 

Prayers and thoughts to his family and friends but especially to his incredibly strong wife. For her to get the strength to deliver a healthy baby the day after she finds out her husband has died is a miracle. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Knock one thing off...

We found out today that we can stay in our current home until we decide to move as long as we send them a 30 day move out notification. Phew.

That's one thing off my list of stresses. I feel a little better now.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I was going to say I'm stressed but I think it's beyond that. I think I'm one more minute of thinking about my life from having a complete melt down.

I'm in a constant battle with myself. I know I need to be strong and not let the inevitable get to me. I know that certain things I can't control. None of that changes the fact that I feel like I am on a train ride to hell.

What I mean is that I feel like I can't control anything and everything sucks. I can't help but feel like the main stress in my life is the marine corps. I hate that they are taking my husband away for a year. I hate that he might miss the birth of our first child by one week because he will be in transit to war. I hate that our lease is up in January but I can't move home until March. I really hate that this has crossed my mind but I really hate that my husband didn't discuss joining the marine corps with me before joining. I thought I was over it but with all of this new hell I'm being put through I can't help but think about how the only reason we have to deal with this is because he wanted to join and to this day hasn't given me a straight answer as to why.

I expected hard times once he joined the military, I never expected this.

My mind is going in a million directions right now that I can't even get this post out. I'm writing but my mind is jumbled and I feel like I have so much to say but no idea how to say it.

I took a shower today and just stood there for 30 minutes crying. I feel so alone right now.

I'm paranoid about when Abigail is going to decide to come, if she's growing properly, whether I will be able to have a natural birth or need a cesarean section, and how I"m going to handle everything after she's here. Whenever I try to talk to Jon about it I usually get nothing but one thing he actually has expressed a concern for is the fact that he does not want to cut the umbilical cord. YEA. I'm worried about him even being there and he's worried about having to cut the umbilical cord.

As I said, totally alone.

Today really made me realize how miserable this is all making me. I don't know what to do. I know once I'm home for Christmas I'll be a lot more relaxed but as soon as we head back here I'm going to start freaking out again.

Part of me wishes I could just move home now and have a lot less to worry about. I know it's not possible, I can't fix any of this.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fairy God Mother

Wouldn't it be awesome to actually have a fairy god mother? She could swoop in whenever you needed help or were wishing so hard for something to come true and poof, make it happen.

I know I need to stop stressing about whether or not my husband will be home when Abigail is born but I can't. It's just so awful to think about. We give and give in every aspect of our lives to the military, why can't they just give us a break for once?

I don't know how it's even possible to have as much bad timing as we do. January 22nd our lease on this house is up. We have to see if we can stay here monthly until March most likely. The problem with that is that we know that the people who own the house are getting a divorce and the word is that their cousin is going to be moving into this house. We just don't know when. So we are waiting to hear news on that.  Our other option is to move back to Topsail where we first lived almost a year ago just for the end of January, February and possibly into March. That would be easier on us because the place is furnished so we can put everything into storage that isn't coming back to NY with me which will make moving after the baby a whole lot easier. Plus, we would have an extra bedroom fully furnished for my mom when she comes down. Right now we have an extra bedroom but no bed so kind of pointless.

The problem with that option is that we don't know if they will allow us to come back since our dog is now over 45 lbs. Even though he is the most well behaved dog I have ever met and wouldn't be a problem what so ever. Hopefully we will see soon.

That is bad timing number 1. Bad timing number 2 is Jonathan deploying, as of right now in what looks like, the last week of February. He seems pretty positive on it but we all know the military and how they like to switch things up at the last minute.

This is horrible timing because our baby girl, our first child, is due March 8. Yea. Seriously. Cutting it that close makes me miserable thinking about it.

My mom will be here for the birth so it's not that I'm worried about going through it alone. I'm just extremely sad that there is a really good possibility that my husband wont be there to see her before he deploys.

I feel like my life is turning into a lifetime movie.

After Abigail is born I plan on moving back to NY. Hopefully within 3 weeks of her being born. My mom, MIL, and grandma have all agreed to come down here to help me move home which I'm so thankful for. We just need to decide the best method of doing that which is another stressful thing to think about.

Not only do I have to worry about my husband deploying for the first time, for a whole friggin year btw, but also about giving birth to our first baby without him. That is way too much on one plate. Seriously.

I know that other women have gone through a deployment and given birth to their baby while their husbands are over seas. How the heck do you do it?

Part of me wants to just move back to NY right now and just focus on having Abigail there where I know I can focus on her after she's born instead of having to move 13 hours north with her.

The sane part of me knows that my husband is here and I need every spare minute I can get with him before he leaves me for a year.

This would be so much easier if our lease wasn't up a month before my husband deploys. Or if I had a fairy god mother to make everything all better.

I know this was a huge pitty party but it helps to leave some stress in this blog.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ok I'm back.

Sorry for the distance lately. Between traveling home for Thanksgiving, having my baby shower, and being around all of my friends and family I have had zero time for blogging. I'll catch you up a little though, no worries.

So the drive up to NY was actually really easy until the last 2 hours or so. That's when my RLS kicked in and I had to try and distract myself. We only had to stop for pee breaks twice I think. I have gotten really used to the weather down here and was completely taken back by how cold it was on the drive up and while in NY. BURR!!

The next day was Thanksgiving which we spent at my husband's grandparents house with his family and my step mom and dad. The food was delicious as always, the company was great, and everything was awesome really. My husband hadn't seen his baby cousin yet and he was fascinated with her. It was adorable. He kept her occupied by making the slinky make noise. It was very cute. My feet were swollen for most of the night and I lost my ankles but they didn't hurt so I just drank a glass of water and pushed it aside.

Friday my mom, grandma and I went shopping. Not at 4 am or anything. We just had a couple stores to go to and only I needed to buy anything. I got my fantastic bras from Victoria's Secret for buy one get one 1/2 off! And I still spent just over $60 so I got my free tote with perfume and lotions in it! Which I must say was about an $80 value so I spent less than I got in free stuff! Pat on my back for sure. THEN I went to Macy's to get my husband new cologne and because I spent over $60 in there I got a free digital picture frame! I was seriously on a roll.

My favorite purchase of the day was at Jo-Ann's though. I bought wood letters and decorations to make Abigail's first nursery decorations. Picture above. It was super easy to make and I'm in love with how it turned out. The picture is kind of yucky but the wall is actually a really pretty yellow and all of the colors on this are bright and beautiful.

Saturday was my baby shower!! I had so much fun. It was honestly one of if not the best shower I have ever been too. No one stopped laughing, the food was fantastic, and the gifts were all amazing! I got so many things that we needed and wanted. To save time I'll share one of my favorite if not my favorite gift with you. My dad didn't go to the shower obviously because he's a boy, but his gift was incredible. He bought me my amazingly beautiful Vera Bradley diaper bag. I was really put off by the idea of carrying around one of those super baby looking bags with winney the pooh or dora the explorer all over it. I really wanted something that I would enjoy since the baby really doesn't care what the diaper bag looks like! So I found this bag and when I opened the box I almost cried. It's so beautiful and since it's from my dad I love it even more. Here is a pic!

We left on Sunday and the drive back went fast. Now we are home and already getting ready to go back in 3 weeks!! Can't wait! haha. 

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Abigail<3

Semper Fi<3

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I don't know if I will have time to make a post for Thanksgiving so I wanted to do it now so I didn't leave on a grumpy note haha.

Tomorrow morning my hubby, puppy and I will be making our way to NY to spend Thanksgiving with our family. Hence why I probably wont have time to make a decent post.

So, before I leave I wanted to take the time to say what I am thankful for this year.

First and foremost I am thankful to be able to be spending this Thanksgiving with my husband. Last year I drove down here to be with him and this year we are driving home to be with our families. So 2 in a row is pretty great.

I am thankful for our always growing baby girl. She is already such a blessing and I can't wait for the day that I get to hold her in my arms.

I'm thankful for my puppy Bo. He really makes the time that I do have to spend alone so much better.

I'm so very thankful for my amazing family. My dad who is so supportive and constantly reminding me of my potential, my mom who continues to be so incredibly amazing even from 13 hours away, my Ooma (grandma), my brother, and just every person who I can't see everyday anymore no matter how much I wish I could.

I'm also very thankful for my husband's family. I couldn't imagine being able to join a better family.

I'm thankful for all of the families who have their loved ones over seas for the holiday. I know I will be in your shoes come next year so I thank you for showing me it can be done.

Along with that, I'm thankful for the men and women overseas fighting for us.

Have a great holiday everyone.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Abigail<3

Semper Fi<3

No more Fairytales for Disney

I was completely shocked when I was reading the news this morning on Apparently Disney is putting a halt on making movies involving fairytales and princesses. Yea, you heard me right. 

Why you ask? The first reason is because they fear movies such as The Princess and The Frog or Tangled are alienating the young boys. This is a plausible concern but the next one, not so much. 

The bigger reason for the change in movies is because apparently statistics show that young girls (ages 5&6) think they are too cool to be princesses and are more worried about how hot they are. Yea…my jaw was on the floor at this point. 

All I could think about is how much I loved the Disney princess movies when I was young. I mean I still enjoy them! Princess Diaries is easily one of my favorite movies ever. When I was a child I went an entire year demanding to be called Ariel and nothing else. I wanted nothing more than to be a princess and be swept off my feet by prince charming. What has happened between then and now? 

As a soon to be mom I am terrified. I do not want my daughter to start worrying about her sexuality until she at least in high school! (Preferably college but I can't be a hypocrite either). 

I know that how you raise your children plays a huge role in a situation like this but if our entertainment industry is going to feed this behavior then really how much can parents do? 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Flirting with an idea.

My dad called me the other day with an interesting idea. He brought to my attention that I love writing and am fairly good at it so why not actually DO something with it? Duh right?

He thinks I should take all of my excess energy and time and put it into writing a book. I have to admit that I have considered this idea before. Nothing seriously, I always just wondered if I could do it and what I would want to write about.

My dad talked about how he was thinking about what I said over a year ago when he asked me why I wanted to get married. He said that he was thinking about my answer to that question and how my life is unfolding and he thinks that it would be a great idea to put my story, dreams, and truths into writing. I think his idea is something alone the lines of how I pictured my life, how it's turning out, and where we are headed... something along those lines. With a husband deploying and a baby girl on the way it might not be a bad idea to have a focus and at the very least write everything down, as if I don't anyways.

After thinking about this for a bit I started thinking about a different idea for a book. I realize that for people in the military with children they are inevitably going to be asked where their daddy is or why he left them. What if their was a children's book out there that eased their minds and reminded them that they are loved and missed?

I actually already wrote a little something about this but incase I do chose to make it into a book, who knows, I am not sure about copy rights and posting it in my blog on the internet. So I will refrain. Actually I'm even a little worried about posting this just for the idea to be out there. Oh well, I want input from military families on whether you think this would be a good idea or a huge flop.

So ladies, gents, what do you think?

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Medal of Honor

I was in tears yet again this morning. I was watching the Today show and watching the interview with SSgt Guinta of the US Army, the recipient of The Medal of Honor. The first awarded since the Vietnam war.

He was awarded this for his incredibly brave actions. His men and himself were surrounded by enemy fire. One of the men got shot and the Taliban were taking him for a reward. SSgt Guinta first helped another wounded soldier and then chased the Taliban down, killed one and scared the other away and brought his friend back to the others. Unfortunately this wounded soldier died once he returned to the others.

All I can think about is how wonderful this man is. My worst fear is not that my husband will be killed at war, but that his body wont be returned and I will always have to worry about if he's really gone or what has happened to him. Although it is a tragedy that soldier died, I know if I was his family I would be so grateful for SSft Guinta for risking his own life to provide the piece of mind.

What makes this story even more amazing is that he is extremely humbling and modest. He never boast about it he said that what he did was simply what he was trained for and if he hadn't then any one of his men would have. He considers himself an average soldier.

Watching him speak was like watching John Basilone speak. You just know that this is someone special and that he was meant to do exactly what he is doing.

I am so proud of our military.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I've held it together, until now

We found out months and months ago about my husbands upcoming deployment. I have been a complete champ about it until recently.

I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or because it's right around the corner but all I can do lately is cry and be worried. It gets worse and worse every day. I'm having nightmares where I can't find him and where he leaves.

I know that there have been women to go through this and make it out. I know that one of my favorite blogging ladies is just about to end her year long deployment with her man and I feel like that should inspire me, but it terrifies me.

I mean it's an entire year. 2011 until 2012. I'm not scared about being a temporary single mom for a year. Well I am but not because I'm scared of having to take care of her all by myself or anything like that. I'm terrified that she wont have a bond with her dad and he wont have a bond with her once he comes home. There is a very high chance that my husband wont be home when Abigail is born. If he misses the birth of our first child will he still have a connection with her? When he comes home after a year will he automatically feel the love for her that dads do? I mean she will be a year old. All I keep hearing is how important the first year is for growth and bonding. My husband isn't an emotional person to begin with. he's cried maybe 3 times the entire time I've known him, he holds all of his feelings inside (getting better with that though), and he doesn't really show excitement all that well.

I know he is happy we are having a baby but I feel really awful because I feel like he would be 10 times happier if we were having a boy. I know I married a man and not a woman. Sometimes I have to take a step back and make sure I'm not expecting impossible things from him. It's hard to explain when you aren't able to experience it first hand.

I guess it might be partially my fault. I always get scenarios in my head of how I think things should go and when they don't I feel like there is some huge problem. Like when I got pregnant I automatically thought about how when he came home he would pick me up and just tell me how happy he was. Instead we didn't even talk about it and he just sat there and watched tv until I brought it up.

I figured once Abigail started kicking and moving around he would have his hands all over my belly trying to feel her move like I hear so many other wives tell me their husbands do, but he didn't. When I finally got his hand on my tummy when she kicked his response was "Are you happy now?" He thought I was doing that for me. That was like a huge punch in the face realization.

When we went to my friend's baby shower last Saturday the girls stayed inside and did our thing while our husbands went outside by the fire and drank. One of the husbands already has a daughter who was there and the girl having the shower is having a girl and both of those guys you can just feel their excitement about having a baby, and even more about having a baby girl. That killed me. I knew right then that I wasn't asking too much because what I was asking for was just excitement and I could clearly see that it was possible.

I guess that is what is messing me up so much lately. I have to not only worry about my husband being in Afghanistan for a year but I also have this constant worry that I've disappointed him right before he left by having a girl and not a boy. I know it sounds ridiculous and probably makes my husband seem like this awful person, which he's not. But I can't help but feel like this when he doesn't make me feel any other way.

I hear how once first time dads hold their baby girl for the first time every wish for a boy is dropped and they are wrapped around her little finger. But what if he doesn't get to hold her when she's born? How am I supposed to go a year thinking he would love his daughter more if she was a boy?

I really just needed to get all of this out. I don't know what to do or if I'm ridiculous for thinking all of this but I'm sick of holding it inside so there ya go.

If you made it this far you should seriously get an award or something. Thanks for reading.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Abigail<3

Semper Fi<3

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I need your help!

I am planning our dinners for the next 7 days and I'm stumped on what to make. So, I figured why not see what all of my blogging ladies and gents like to eat for dinner and make that?

So here is your challenge, leave me a comment with your favorite dinner meal. Recipe included if it's specific or a link to a recipe online.

I will love you all so very very much if you can plan my dinners for me! haha.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day

Today really should be everyday of the year. We should always thank those who have served and are serving. We should always remember those who gave their lives for our freedom that we clench so tightly to. We should always be thankful that those men and women who were wounded at war get to be home with their families. We should look at those little old men with their service hats and jackets on and think about what they went through, how much harder it was for their families back then and how much they have sacrificed. They are proud for a reason and we should be proud of them. 

Lets all take today to thank as many service members and their families as we can to make up for the rest of the year when we didn't. 

I'll start, Thank you Papa Bear<3 You are such a hero in my eyes. I am so proud of everything you do and everything you have accomplished. Sacrifices are made but never regretted. You're an amazing person, an amazing husband, and will be an amazing father. I Love You<3

Another special thanks to my Uncle Gary, my cousin Laura, my aunt Jeannie and my Grandpa Pulis. Especially thank you to all of the girls I know personally who give up parts of their lives for their men who serve. Nicole, Anna, Angela, Rachel, LeAnna, and so many others. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby things!

I am super excited right now.

We just bought Abigail's first car seat for a whopping $40! And it's the one I wanted! I'm so excited.

Tomorrow I am buying 3 hugs bags of infant girls clothes for $100. There are like 400 pieces all together! How great of a deal is that?

I LOVEEEE lejeune yardsales!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Reality hit me today

My husband sold his truck today. He has had this truck for as long as I've known him. I hated it at first but it grew on me. It's one of a kind with big tires and camo trim, all of that country boy stuff. I used to think I'd be happy the day I saw it go but honestly, I just cried for 30 minutes.

Yea, I blame it partially on the pregnancy hormones. The truth is him selling that truck means he is really going to be deploying. It just kind of all hit me at once.

I have been an emotional wreck lately anyways but usually just over stupid little things like my husband eating the last of the tuna noodle casserole or something.

I just pray that I don't see his truck on the road with some other guy behind the wheel. The tears are still finding their way down my face. This is ridiculous. I knew he was going to be deploying and I knew he was going to have to get rid of the truck before that and the baby comes.

My hormones are just trying to humiliate me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I really hate North Carolina.

Let me make this clear. I am from NY. We are supposedly the "worst drivers ever." SCREW THAT!!

People in North Carolina have NO FRIGGIN IDEA how to drive. I shouldn't have to be terrified to get in my car to go somewhere. At this point I would rather walk but even the people walking on the side of the roads are morons.

Here is a little GET A CLUE list for the wonderful people on NC.

If it's raining outside, PUT YOUR LIGHTS ON!

If it's snowing outside, PUT YOUR LIGHTS ON!

If it's foggy out, PUT YOUR LIGHTS ON!
    ESPECIALLY if the fog is so thick you can't see 10 feet ahead of you AND you are a school shuttle!! Yea, almost got into an accident with a SPEC school van this morning because they aren't smart or safe enough to put their lights on.

If it's sprinkling outside you don't need to go 20 mph below the speed limit, especially if you are one of the morons who don't use your lights. This is just as likely to cause an accident as going the speed limit on a slick road. Same goes for a light snow dusting.

I wouldn't be complaining if it was one person who didn't have their lights on. I'm seriously terrified to drive because it seems as if every 3rd car doesn't use their lights in necessary situations. NO WONDER there are so many damn accidents down here. I've seen more accidents in my 11 months here than I have in my ENTIRE life in NY. I'm not kidding.

OH! And I forgot to mention the children in the morning waiting for the school bus. HELLO PARENTS OF NC, if it's 6:15 am and pitch black out still PLUS thick fog give your kids some reflective clothing or something and tell them to stay on the damn grass.
I have to dodge kids in the morning because they find it necessary to walk in the middle of the road when it's dark out and I can't see through fog. I blame their parents but the kids are just as incompetent for not using common sense. Seriously people, get a damn clue.

I am SO thankful that I will be living in NY after Abigail is born. I don't want to drive down here now let alone with my daughter in the car with me.

So thank you NC for making me terrified of driving. You are super awesome, seriously.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

He felt the baby!

My husband finally got to feel Abigail kick! I am sooo excited. Probably more excited than he is lol. I have been waiting weeks now for her to kick hard enough for him to feel and now that she is doing it quite a lot he finally got a good couple kicks!

It's so exciting! I am so happy that he can enjoy this with me now. I love being able to feel her kick and move around. It's so amazing.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

I am so excited that it is November :-) I thought October was going to be slower than molasses but it actually wasn't too painful. BUT November has lots in store!

Next weekend we have a wonderful 96 and one of my girlfriends is having her baby shower! I am not only excited for that because I'm excited for her but I know that being at her shower is going to get me super excited for mine which is 2 weeks after!!

To keep my busy in between her shower and mine we have November 19th. For those of you who don't know what that means, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 is released! Now my husband and I are huge fans but we are in no way going to midnight premiere dressed in costume or anything. We just both really enjoy the story and a good date night.

Then, after that weekend my husband and I will be leaving around 8 am wednesday morning (the 24th) to go home for Thanksgiving!! Seriously my favorite holiday ever. Not only is Thanksgiving that thursday but that Friday I am having a whole day of shopping with my mom! I love mommy daughter outings so I'm super duper excited. Then of course that Saturday is my baby shower! I get to see all of my family and friends and open lots of pink and purple things :-)

This month is going to FLY by and before I know it, it will be December!! That means hitting the 3rd trimester! Woohoo!

So today is awesome even if it is a Monday. Enjoy it ladies!

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Abigail<3

Semper Fi<3

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our weekend

We had the most AMAZING time on our marriage enrichment retreat this weekend. I had good expectations for it but it even exceeded those.

We were on our retreat from 5pm on Friday until 9 am on Sunday. We stayed at this wonderful place in Pine Knoll Shores right before Atlantic beach. There was no internet or tv in our rooms so you had tons of time to focus on each other. There were lots of wooded paths and ponds and it really was so incredibly beautiful. That was just our surroundings!

We were at the retreat with about 10 or so other couples. 3 of which were pregnant too so that was pretty cool. We had our classes as a group but did exercises as couples and then could share what we learned with the group if we chose to. We really learned so much and it made us realize a lot too. Almost all of the couples were there to try and get help with communication and almost all of them had similar problems or disagreements. It was great to see how they dealt with these things and talk to others about it.

I would seriously highly recommend everyone goes to one of these at some point. It's not marriage counseling or divorce counseling or anything like that. It's just an opportunity to learn how to communicate better with your spouse and in the end love each other deeper and really appreciate one another.

Here is the Credo website for the Lejeune area ladies

At least check it out. It's FREE and you get all of your meals and rooms included. It's a great experience and I am SOOOOO thankful we went on this.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am finally feeling better. I am still super congested but I no longer feel like death is merely minutes away. Big improvement!

I love my job because I get all day to relax and work on feeling better. Mornings are painful having to get up early and move but knowing I get to come home at 8 and sleep until whenever I feel like it makes it better.

I am super thankful that my immune system is working again because this weekend is our marriage retreat. Jon has been told that it's great at helping with communication (which we need) and that it is a lot of fun! It's free and we get to have a resort weekend together. I'm really excited for it!

Halloween is Sunday which happens to be my husbands birthday too. I don't know what we are doing yet. Maybe handing out candy, maybe not. We have been told that not a lot of kids come trick or treating down our road so it might be a bust. I guess we will see.

Remember that accident I got into back in June? Remember how I went to court just to have to go back because the paper from the insurance company wasn't worded right and people apparently get 2 years to file a claim? WELL, that all got taken care of yesterday! FINALLY!!! I got another paper from the insurance company that still wasn't worded properly but I had a court date and just made due. I am so thankful that the ada was such a nice guy and it probably helped that I was pregnant and maybe played on the tired, hungry, miserable card. He dismissed the ticket so I never have to go through any of this again! WOO HOOO!!!

I'm sorry I have been such a slacker with my blog lately. I have been busy, sick, and just plain unmotivated. Hopefully that will all change soon.

If I don't blog before I leave for the weekend tomorrow then have a wonderful halloween!

I love you Mr. Sykes<3
You too Abigail<3

Semper Fi<3

Monday, October 25, 2010


YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! It's a girl!!! The ultra sound was clear as day that we are having a little girl. I would post pics of it but I feel kinda like that would be borderline kiddy porn so we're not going to do that. Just take my word for it haha.

Her name will be Abigail Yvonne Sykes<3 SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Abigail<3

Semper Fi<3

It's Monday!!!

Although I did have to wake up and head to work this morning it's still a great day. Why?

It's hopefully the day we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!! Yay!! I'll keep you posted on that!

Other updates, I'm still sick. My throat and head feel better but I'm still having a relationship with the toilet. Lucky me. It has to end eventually just keeping my fingers crossed that it's soon.

I'm off to get ready for the day I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sooo sick.

On days that I can sleep in I never sleep past 8:30. I have been so sick lately and worn down from it that I slept until 1:30 pm today. I went to bed around 10:30 last night. That is a ridiculous amount of sleep! And I am STILL exhausted. I can barely move. My body feels like it's a million degrees but my temperature is normal. My bottom left wisdom tooth is throbbing which makes my entire jaw hurt. My head feels like it's at least 10 lbs heavier than usual.

On the plus side, my throat isn't all that sore anymore. But I do still have a cough.

I can't catch a break.

Hubby is sick too. Not good.

BUT... only one more day until Monday! woohoo!

Edit: I can now add number 2ing constantly to my list. Without being too vivid. Lets just say Pepto Bismal is my Bff right now.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tummy Time!

I finally have my link to share with you guys for my mommy blog!

My posts haven't been posted yet but will start to be this Monday! I am soo excited about this I can't even describe it!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm terrified

Is it completely awful that I am terrified to give birth? Not for the pain. I can deal with pain. I am terrified because I hate going to the OB and showing him my hoo ha let alone having it on display for however long labor will take and with more people around!

I know that once I go into labor all I will care about is getting the baby out of me safely and quickly but until then I have quite a while to think about it.

Then the other option, C section, makes me even more crazy! I've seen the operation taking place and it's absolutely positively DISGUSTING!!! I have an extremely weak stomach so blood and cuts and anything along those lines makes me disgusted. Thinking about a doctor slicing open my stomach and pushing my organs around and just digging around in there for a baby creeps me out.

Did anyone else go through this? It makes me feel like an awful mom :-(

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sorry that it's been a while

I have been trying to stay really busy until Monday. We had our 20 week check up at the doctors yesterday. Everything is good. We have our anatomy scan Monday at 2 so I am really trying to just make time fly until then.

One thing I do want to blab about is people asking me what I am having. ITS SOOO ANNOYING!!!!

Facebook is a wonderful invention. Everyone knows your most important news because of course you are going to post it as your status. But apparently people are just inconsiderate and nosy and don't think that I will post what we are having as soon as we know.

I have had constant nosy people asking me what I am having ever since like 15 weeks! People I rarely talk to and mean little to nothing to my life (like those people who add you just to be nosy and you know who they are but you never actually talk to).

Is it just me or does it annoy other people? It's like seriously? Be at least a little considerate seriously. If I know and you are a friend on my facebook trust me you will know too. Asking me once a day until you get an answer just makes me stressed out and frustrated so stop being so self centered.

It's like I don't even talk to you! And it's not just one person, it's several. It's becoming ridiculous. I get that pregnancy is exciting but if we don't talk and aren't really friends is it really any of your business? And isn't it really rude that you talk to me when it's convenient for you to know something but not any other time?

I don't even know if this post is going to make sense to anyone because I'm pretty sure my frustration led the writing of this but I needed to get this out. I am so annoyed by it.

It's not like I can delete them from my facebook either because it's like they have me on alert and as soon as they get notified that we are no longer friends or as soon as they try and snoop and can't because my page is private they send me a message saying "What did I do that we are no longer "friends?"

I don't know what to do. I shouldn't let it get to me but I just can't stand nosy people like that. I would LOVE to be able to tell everyone that I am having a boy or a girl BUT I don't know!!! It's only frustrating to have to say I don't know yet every 5 minutes to someone new or repeatedly to the same person.

If I'm crazy then I'm crazy but I have pregnancy hormones to blame it on so HA!

I have to go babysit for a little while (which is going great by the way).

I'll keep you updated as I can. Thanks for listening to me babble!

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3 Whatever you are.

Semper Fi<3

Monday, October 18, 2010

Belly obsessed

This is the first post of the day. I am almost positive there will be one more.

I dropped the little girl I baby sit for off at daycare today and was mauled, nearly molested, by a 2 year old little boy. Apparently he is obsessed with bellies? I had on a hoodie and a north face over my hoodie so there was no way he could tell I was pregnant, he is really just obsessed with touching people's bellies. How strange is that?

I thought he just wanted a hug until he tried lifting my shirt up. Little creeper. Makes you wonder about his parents...

Anyways, I am off to get ready for my "photo shoot" for my mommy blog! I'm excited :-)

Have a great day :-)

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's official!

I am a mommy blogger!! I posted a while ago about the potential opportunity to join the mommy blogging team for Onslow Memorial Hospital and I got the call today saying I got the job!! I am soo excited!

I get to blog about my pregnancy and for about a month after the baby is born. Then hopefully something will open up in the Cuddle Bugs section and I can continue blogging for another 5 months :-)

I even get to go have a professional photo taken to accompany my blog, you know like authors have on the back of their books. How cool is that!?!?

This is such an awesome opportunity and I will talk more as well as post my new link as soon as I get it all set up!

Yay for exciting news!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I completely forgot!

I can't believe I forgot to say that I finally feel the baby kicking! I have been waiting and waiting and waiting and FINALLY I can feel the little one kicking! I am sooo excited!

My husband can't feel him/her yet but soon hopefully :-)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I've been gone

I know I know, I haven't blogged in a while. Life got busy. I don't even remember what my last post was about.

Anyways, yesterday was baby's 19 week mark! We are almost at the 4 month mark already. Time does fly I suppose. We have our 20 week check up next tuesday but still no date for the anatomy scan which, excuse my language, pisses me off! I called, they called back and said that they would be calling me back soon with an appointment. That was whenever my last post about it was. Well, they haven't called back. I called and left another voicemail last Thursday I believe, still no call back. I keep calling and getting either a busy line or a voicemail. I have no idea what they are doing there but it's certainly not their job.

The lady I babysit for is some officer in the navy and runs the labs at the hospital. She told me that if I wasn't getting the proper quality of care that I need to call Tricare and let them know and they will send me to an off base doctor. Well HELLOOOO!!! I wish I knew that one before. So now I am going to go to my appointment on Tuesday and after that I am going to call Tricare and demand they switch me off base.

If they were packed with people due in March then they should have sent some off base. Pushing back our appointments by MONTHS is definitely NOT ok. I am so aggravated by them. I can't believe their excuse for pushing back an ultrasound I am supposed to get at 20 weeks until about 24 weeks is that there are a lot of women who are due in March and they just don't have that many appointment times. Well then you probably should have thought of that when tricare asked you if you had the space for me or if I should go off base. SOOOOOO ANNOYING!!!

On a positive note, I started working again Monday. I have to wake up around 5:50 on normal days and 5:30 on days when she has duty but the bus picks him up by 8 usually and so I am home around 8:10 to take a nice nap. Then  I go back at 3:30 to wait for the bus and then we do his homework and eat a snack and wait for his parents to come home around 4:30 or 5ish.

It's a pretty sweet deal. I get my days off except for the days when he has a 1/2 day or there is a school holiday. He does have a temper but I knew he would occasionally. He is a sweet kid though. The only real hard part is having to wake up so early but I'm sure my body will get used to the schedule and fix that exhaustion eventually. I usually go to bed by 9, 10 at the latest. But being pregnant makes me tired all the time.

But anyways, it is keeping me busy which I like. And it's bringing in more money which I also like.

I need to go spend some quality time with my puppy. I'll try and be a better blogger.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cleaning out

I sold our dinning room table tonight. The first step in cleaning out the house for when I move back home! :-)

We NEVER use our table. By the time we both want to sit down for dinner we would rather sit down either outside on our picnic table or in our living room. So, it was the first thing to go. And thank god it's gone! Now I have so much space! Our dog kennel was next to the table with his food and water dishes too. So I moved his dishes away from the garage door and moved his food bin behind it so we don't have it on top of his kennel anymore. AMAZING!! Should have thought of that sooner.

I have someone who wants to by our awesome desk but wont be in town until November 1 but unless I sell it before then it's hers. So that's item number 2 to go. I know I have until March but you all know I'm paranoid and this time it's about it being moving time and were still stuck with a bunch of unwanted furniture. So I'm starting early with the stuff we don't use anyways.

Anyways, my hubby is in Rockingham until tomorrow night to help our friend with his racecar and to see some of the guys. I was going to go but then I remembered I hate Nascar and being pregnant I really wasn't into sitting in the stands for hours at a time. I wouldn't even be able to sit with my husband since he would be on the pit crew. Yea, NOT exciting lol.

I'm sooo bored though! I want to have another girls night but we just had one and I think everyone probably has plans with their husbands this weekend since most have a 96 or 72. I'm going crazyyy though. I think I need some retail therapy...

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lazy days.

Today is an extremely lazy day for me. I've had a migraine all day plus my husband got home around 11:30 from being on duty so we just napped for a couple hours. Now we are sitting around the living room watching movies. Blahhh.

I can't find the energy to actually do anything, not that I have anything to do anyways. Sometimes I like lazy days because I need to just relax and lay around but sometimes I hate them because I feel pathetic. Today is a half and half.

On the plus side, I heard back from the guy in charge of Momtalk which is a mommies blog for Onslow Memorial Hospital. He wants to call me to talk more about me possibly joining the blog team over there for expectant mothers! I am so excited about this potential opportunity. For all of you mommies and mommies to be in the area you should check it out. It's really great.

I just wanted to share my exciting news. Now I'm going back to enjoying time with my hubby.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Getting ready

I am already starting to get ready for my move back home in March. We are going to sell all of our furniture except for our bed frame, headboard and foot board. I am paranoid that if we don't start selling things now we wont be able to sell them before we leave so I have posted almost everything on Lejeune yard sales already lol.

Everything I've posted we honestly don't use anyways so I wouldn't mind getting rid of it. I did post all of our couches though so I'm not sure what we're going to do if we sell all of them haha.

I get extremely anxious when I am given too much time between big plans like this. I want to have everything planned out so I don't have to worry about it. BUT everyone in the military lifestyle knows that is impossible.

We have a few big problems. First we don't know my husband's exact date for deployment. We just know it's sometime between February and March. That's a huge time frame and really bad placement. Our lease is up February 24th or something like that. If he isn't gone by then we will have to figure out somewhere to live for a month-ish. NOT fun if even possible. We would just go back to our first little home together on Topsail Island since we know they rent monthly in the winter, BUT they wont take Bo now that he is 60 lbs. So that's going to be the real challenge.

Problem number 2 is how I am going to move my things back. My mom is going to be coming down here to drive back with me so in my little car it will be my mom, me, the baby, and the dog. That's every seat taken up. I don't have a ton of things going home with me. Just the tv, 2 suitcases of clothes pretty much, and everything for the baby. It's not enough to get a uhaul truck and I don't think my car can pull one of the little uhaul trailers. I have NO idea what to do.

Any ideas?

Anyways, trying to forget about the stress of it all. Hubby isn't home tonight thanks to being on duty. It was boring all day but I'm actually a little excited to have the bed to myself tonight. SHH don't tell.

Have a wonderful evening everyone.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

As the hubs pointed out...

My husband pointed out last night that President Obama's dog has the same name as ours. And I can't even pull the "We had ours first" bit. I know this is completely random but I just thought it was so strange since I thought Bo was a strange name to begin with lol.

Random thought for the day. 

Now I have to bring my hubby and the other poor guy on duty some home baked cookies and lunch. 

As the hubs pointed out...

My husband pointed out last night that President Obama's dog has the same name as ours. And I can't even pull the "We had ours first" bit. I know this is completely random but I just thought it was so strange since I thought Bo was a strange name to begin with lol. 

Random thought for the day. 

Now I have to bring my hubby and the other poor guy on duty some home baked cookies and lunch. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fat pants

I bought my first pair of "fat pants" today. Actually I bought 2. I call them fat pants because that's what they look like. But really they are just those special stretchy topped jeans for pregnant people. My response?

THEY ROCK!!! I might never go back. They are super duper comfy and way easier to get the right fit than regular jeans. I was really upset about the idea of moving into some fat pants but honestly, they are awesome.

The only reason I went to get some today was because it's actually cold here in North Carolina. I LOVE IT! But, I didn't have any chilly weather clothes that fit me hence my pant spree.

Hubby went with me and was a real sport. He held my purse while I tried on pants and just followed me around holding prego pants. He's a sweetie<3

Now we are getting ready to go to Morehead City for the Seafood Festival with the neighbors. All they had to say was food and I would have been there. It looks like rain though so fingers crossed it stays nice for us!

Friday, October 1, 2010

It's October!

Know what that means? Absolutely nothing. Well that's a bit harsh. It does mean I am that much closer to my favorite holiday...Thanksgiving. I am just so excited to go home and have my husband be there with me! I loved being home last time but it didn't feel complete because he couldn't be there with me.

I love being home and I love Thanksgiving AND my baby shower is the weekend after Thanksgiving so theres that too! So much to look forward to NEXT month. As for this month there are a few things on my calendar...

Things like I get to start my new job, I have my 20 week appointment and hopefully they can tell us if were having a boy or a girl, hubby and I are doing one of those marriage enrichment retreats at the end of the month, oh and I get to go to my court hearing #2 for the accident that happened back in June. YAY!

I am really excited about starting my job and for the retreat. As for my 20 week appointment...I'm not so sure how I feel about it. I have to schedule 2 appointments; 20 week check up and an anatomy scan ultrasound. I have my 20 week set for October 19 but I was told I would have to be called back to make the second appointment and might have to wait until November. I'm bummed because I don't know if they will tell us what we are having until we get that anatomy scan.

As for my court date, you can bet your butt I'm not excited about that at all. I think we are going to try and just see the DA ahead of time and show them the paper we have saying everything is taken care of. My fear is that the paper we have will be insufficient again. The first time we had a different paper that didn't say exactly what they wanted and this time it's a little different and I can see where they are going to be picky again.

It's sooooo ridiculous. Who gives someone a YEAR to file a claim on an accident? It might even be 2 years I don't remember. It doesn't make any sense to me at all. You should get like 24 hours to file a claim. It was just a stupid fender bender! I was going like 20 mph and the only damage done was to MY car. The trailer hitch on the other one destroyed my front end and completely protected her car. Oh, and did I mention she was driving with a suspended license? YEA!! So, feeling completely at fault and horrible that she was on her way to take care of her license by paying off her tickets when I rear ended her I told her I would give her 5 minutes to get a friend here to say she was driving instead.

At the time I was thinking I was such an awful person for not being able to stop and hitting her and now she is going to jail while she was on her way to take care of her tickets. But now, I think about how stupid I was and I could have just avoided a ticket instead of clearing my guilty conscience.

Oh well. I guess all I can do is go try and get it taken care of and hope this paper is good enough so that this can all just be dropped and I can forget about it. It's bad enough I am a paranoid driver now.

Anyways, that is my upcoming October. Not too exciting but at least I have "events" spread out enough that it might go by fast. Especially with me working now.

Then on to Thanksgiving!!!

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My wake up call

I woke up this morning to rain being hurled against my window by the wind. It honestly looks like a tsunami outside. My first thought was roll over and go to sleep. So I did that. Then it woke me up again so I got out of bed. As soon as I walked to the back door my jaw dropped. I couldn't even see through the glass door because the rain was constantly being thrown against it.

My next thought was "OMG I have to go out in this today!" Yep. I have a dentist appointment to get my last 2 teeth filled. I considered canceling but I really just want them done already. If I wait any longer I'm scared they wont stop being sensitive by Thanksgiving and I'll have to pick and chose what I eat and well that's not happening. So I kept my appointment.

My next thought, which probably should have been my first, was to check on the water stain above our bed. My husband noticed last night that there was a dripping noise and then we looked up and saw a nice sized water stain. So he got up into the attic and put a bucket over it to catch the water. Well we could still hear the dripping so he went back up and put a towel in the bucket. Much better.

Thankfully it didn't grow or collapse on us over night. Still a nuisance. That just shows how much rain we have had this week. It's ridiculous.

I let my dog out to go to the bathroom and he found all of the puddles. The whole strip next to our back fence is flooded. He does laps in it. He runs through it turns around and runs back. Repeatedly. It's kind of funny but annoying too.

Anyways, my day is going to be awful. Between teeth drilling and torrential down pours. Yuck.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I got the job!! The family is awesome and their little boy is very sweet. I am so excited!! :-)

Potential job

I was contacted yesterday by a woman who needs someone to watch her child before and after school. Her son has Asperger syndrome which is like a high functioning version of Autism. My brother has Asperger syndrome so I grew up with it and I am very comfortable around people who have it.

I have a meeting tonight with the family and I really hope they like me and want me to care for their son. I am really excited about being able to help out a family going through the same thing my family did. The only difference is that my brother didn't get diagnosed until late in life. Now people are more aware and diagnosing this early gives the children a better chance at a normal life.

This job is perfect. They will only need me for a couple hours a day and I will have the entire school day off unless there is a holiday or early dismissal. That means I can schedule my doctors appointments around work without having to take time off. Plus I will get to rest if I need to during the afternoons.

Lets keep our fingers crossed that I get the job!!

Rain, rain, more rain...

It has been raining for days here in North Carolina. I don't mind a rainy day. I don't feel so bad about laying around all day. When it's an entire week of rain it gets a bit dreary. I can't do anything because it's down pouring. I can't even let my dog out to go potty because my back yard is flooded and he has to swim to the high spot to poop.

Another downer is that we have Direct Tv. Which means we have a satellite. For those of you who have cable or time warner cable like I wanted, it means that when it rains our tv can't get signal and the shows pretty much just pause or stutter. It's ridiculously annoying and makes the day that much more boring.

I've never been a big tv watcher but when I don't have anything else to do all day it becomes a little bit of a habit to see whats on tv.

I try reading but I have to be in the mood to read and I can't find the motivation. I hate sitting on my computer because thats just as bad as watching tv all day.

I can only clean so much and I'm a fast cleaner so I can pretty much do my entire house in an hour. I don't have any hobbies like drawing or anything to keep me occupied that way either.

What do you do on rainy days?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So about the ball...

We aren't going now. For a couple reasons actually. There was only 100 tickets to be sold for the entire company. That means it was sold out before my husband ever found out about it. Awesome number 1. Awesome number 2 is that the tickets are $50 a person. REALLY? They know what kind of money we make, they know that is a little ridiculous. The worst part is they are less expensive for officers. That one makes sense lol.

So it being expensive doesn't matter since it's sold out anyways. I actually decided I wasn't too upset about it because the more I look at my dress the more I realize how fat I'm going to be. Also, I'm already in pain every day all day so what made me think I would want to be all dolled up in uncomfortable shoes on my feet for an entire night? NO IDEA! haha. That's why it was an easy decision when my husband told me that they are going to have a platoon ball so that everyone who didn't get tickets for the other one can still have a ball. Although the tickets are half the price the previous reasoning had me pretty much begging my husband not to make me go. That was easy since he's not much of a dress up and dance kind of guy anyways.

So long story short, no ball for us. I am COMPLETELY ok with it though. It really didn't register to me that I was pregnant and going to look nothing like I did in high school at prom until I went to the dress giveaway. I tried on so many dresses and everything made me look huge. When I tried on dresses before I didn't really have a huge belly. Now I'm definitely showing and the dresses are making sure I know it.

I had this image of me looking so glamorous and beautiful next to my husband and then I realized I'm not having one of those kind of pregnancies! There are two types of pregnancies ladies; the glow and the "get this baby out of me already." I am not having the glow type. That would be the ones you see on tv and of course nothing can happen that wonderfully. Instead I am 17 weeks pregnant and already so uncomfortable all the time that I am finding myself wishing this baby was out of me already.

Anyways, that means I would not only be uncomfortable through the entire ball, but it would be a miracle if I looked anywhere near glamorous that night.

So the next step is giving away my dresses that I have. I have posted 2 on lejeune yardsales already. I have 2 more that are from my proms but not only do not fit me anymore and probably never will again, but one is more of a high school homecoming dress. I haven't decided if I should post those too or not.

Any girls in the Lejeune area that needs a dress for the ball? Let me know and I will see if I can help you out!

Monday, September 27, 2010

You don't cook?

I have a question. Why are there women who don't cook? No wait let me rephrase. Why are there WIVES who don't cook?

It doesn't make sense to me. Do you order out every night for dinner? Or by frozen food that can just be popped in the oven? I am all for the quick dinner like chicken nuggets and fries but I can't imagine eating those every night. I absolutely love cooking. It not only smells delicious in my house every night but we have healthy meals for dinner.

Maybe this is why America has an obesity problem? In previous generations the wives made dinner every night and cooking was a necessary skill. Now we have such fast paced lives that maybe it's just too convenient to grab the Digiorno or call up some chinese.

When you cook a homemade meal you know exactly what you are eating and exactly what is going into your bodies. It feels great to be able to create amazing recipes or recreate favorite recipes. It really is a great skill to have.

When I sent my husband to work with left overs for lunch he actually has guys ask him where he got it from. When he said dinner from the night before that his wife made they are genuinely surprised that I cook for him. Can you believe this?

I don't know. Maybe I am a little old fashioned. I just believe that there should be a home cooked meal on the table whenever possible. I love going out to dinner so doing that once a week or so is great too. I also understand busy schedules and feeling like there isn't time. I had a faced paced childhood with lots of late sports games and dance recitals and my mom still made dinner most nights. We just ate a little later sometimes.

I never cooked as a kid. I watched my mom cook and I always knew that when I got married or lived on my own I would cook too. It's not something that you need to learn as a kid in order to do as an adult. If you can read a recipe you can cook.

So go cook for your man! Make him his favorite dinner and I promise you he will have a new twinkle in his eye. After all, the easiest way to a man's heart is through his tummy!

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

My weekend.

This weekend was absolutely awful and then really great. I posted a little while ago about how my husband seems incapable of being able to use patience with me and how our communication stinks. Well it finally turned into a huge battle.

It started out with the dress event. I didn't expect to be gone all day. Maybe 2 hours tops but not like 6 hours. That apparently upset my husband in some way so by the time I got home he was in defense/payback mode. I got home around 4 and we barely talked from then until 7 or 8ish when he decided to go to the neighbors for a fire.

Well that annoyed me because he had a fire with them the night before and I didn't attend because the idea of sitting in a lawn chair made me want to cringe. (Pregnancy is doing a number on my ability to be comfortable anywhere). We hadn't seen each other all day and I thought the only reason we weren't talking once I got home was because he was watching football. Apparently I was wrong. But anyways, he went across the street with captain morgan in one hand and beer in the other leaving me livid.

So what did I do? Complained to my mom of course. I should have known when he asked me to buy coke at the grocery store that there was going to be some drinking going on this weekend.

Anyways, into the good stuff. Earlier he had made a comment along the lines of I didn't want to go to the fire because it's a huge headache for me to be social or something like that. That ticked me off because I assumed he should have known it was the fact that I can't sit on a couch and be comfortable there was no way I was going to suffer  for 4 hours outside in a lawn chair. BUT he's a man and doesn't think like we do.

So when he got over there he text me saying there are lots of people here you should come. I said no I'm good. Then I asked him to be quiet when he got home because he slams doors when hes sober and I didn't want to think of how bad he would be trashed. He said ok and was nice about it.

I then asked him if he wouldn't mind trying to sleep in the spare room to see if that made a difference in how I slept at night. That pretty much started it all. He didn't understand that it was because I can't sleep with him in the same bed because of his habits. He took it as the beginning to the end of our marriage.

After that it turned into a huge argument and I could tell with every text that he was getting drunker and drunker. That made me madder and madder. I was telling him what we need to work on and that he is an awful drunk and he told me that I should just leave since I am going to leave him on deployment anyways. STOP RIGHT THERE. That was my last straw. That made me so angry.

He said a lot of things that I knew he was only saying because he was drunk which stinks. It ended with him coming home and slamming all of the doors. I got up out of bed and went into the spare room to yell at him. That led to me grabbing his cell phone and chucking it at the wall and walking out. I then packed my suitcase of clothes and was fully prepared to leave. I should probably add that the things he said that I knew he didn't mean, well actually I was wondering if he really meant it at this point, was telling me to just leave over and over again.

So I was packing and he came in to stop me. I should mention I have never been that angry in my life. I have never thrown anything or raised my hand or anything along those lines. I am still embarrassed about how angry I let myself get the other night.

I ended up collapsing on the bathroom floor balling my eyes out and he came in to held me. I did fight him at first to let me go but I gave in after a while. It all ended with both of us sitting on our bed crying and talking.

He pointed out how this always happens with us. We always get to a point where we can't stand one another anymore and we just lash out. In the past we just left but each time we have been slowly getting stronger through it. I think this was our final realization that something needs to change. We actually talked and discussed what we need to work on to fix this.

We both have a problem with letting each other know when something is bothering us at the time it's bothering us. That is a huge issue we are going to fix now. Another one is him opening up to me a little more. He doesn't show his emotions and it leaves me wondering way too much. Also, his patience. Obviously mine too but I have been using all of my patience that is why I snapped so badly. I had none left.

Our biggest problem is communication. We are aware of it and hopefully going to work on it. We have talked about it before but never really done anything about it but I feel really good about it this time.

Anyways, if you made it all the way through this thank you for reading. I wrote this to hopefully make someone aware of their problems too. We both really hate that we let it escalade to what it became and I hope that before you let it get there you think of this and remember to step back take a breath and just talk!

Talking is so important.

I love my husband with everything I have. He really is an amazing person and an awesome husband. We just have some things to work on.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dress giveaway

Today I went with one of my friends to a dress giveaway for all military wives. How awesome is that? All we had to do is show our ID's and we got to select a dress from like 1500 dresses. FOR FREE!! It was so awesome.

What wasn't awesome was thinking it started at 10 and whoever got there first got to go in first. Well it was more like show up at 8 am and get a ticket and then when your number is called you can go in. We didn't know that so we showed up at 9:30 and our number was 223 and 224. SERIOUSLY!!

At first we were optimistic thinking it will go by fast. Then we were told there was a number on the back to call and see what number they were on. We got there at 9:30 and didn't get in until 2:45. YEA!!

We ended up going back to her house for a while and just calling the number to see where they were. It wasn't so bad after we did that but waiting around would have been miserable.

In the end I got a really pretty, but very plain, yellow dress. It fits really well and has room for a bigger belly and boobies. I don't know if I like it more than my previous dress yet though. I think I am going to see about altering my other one and if I can then I will probably give the new one away for free. Unless I put them both back on and end up liking the new one better. We'll see.

Anyways. It's been a long day. I'm exhausted already.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends!

Semper Fi<3

Friday, September 24, 2010


My husband asked me if I was getting annoyed by him being around today. I didn't realize just how crabby I have been lately. He said that I have been distant lately. I haven't said I love you as much and he feels like I don't want to be around him.

I felt horrible :-( Of course I love being around him! He's my everything. My problem is that I don't sleep anymore. I don't sleep anymore because I'm NEVER comfortable. I'm never comfortable because my back always hurts and I have cramps or my legs hurt. Between the complete exhaustion and constant discomfort I've lost any and all happiness. Basically I'm miserable and I didn't even realize how bad I let it get.

After he said that I thought about how I've been acting and I realized that I just sit on the couch and instead of talking to my husband I just think about how everything hurts and how I wish we had more comfortable furniture or that I could take medicine to get rid of the pain. I guess I take it out on him because not only is he the only other person in the house but I kind of sort of hate that he doesn't have to go through any of this  and I have to constantly suffer. It's really not fair at all.

Not to mention I married a guy who doesn't show emotion all too often so when I would love for him to show me how excited he is all the time by the simplest things he doesn't. I know it's just his personality but the hormones are taking over and it's starting to really get to me. Before we got pregnant he always talked about how he can't wait to have a baby and start a family and now that we are it's like he's ignoring it or something.

I guess if I wanted a more emotional person I should have married a girl. Men are so complicated.

But anyways, this is the start of my attempt to not let the discomfort and exhaustion get to me. I can't let it make my husband think I can't stand him. That's just awful.

I really might have to consider a different sleeping situation though. If I finally fall asleep at night I am ALWAYS woken up with my husband grinding or chomping his teeth directly in my ear. I swear I almost pushed him out of the bed last night. I just don't understand how I can stay in one area all night and he has to move so much! If he's not moving he's snoring or talking or chomping or grinding. I'm starting to lose my mind at night. I think it didn't bother me before because I could easily sleep through it. Now I can barely fall asleep all night let alone over and over again because he constantly has to wake me up.

Twin beds? haha.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3 I swear I do, you just drive me nuts at night<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I just realized that it is almost October. I have nothing to look forward to in this month at all :-(
November has all of my attention. The Marine ball, Thanksgiving which means going home for a week, having my baby shower!, the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and the first part of Twilight: Breaking Dawn. Hello activity!

October however only holds my husbands birthday. I would get excited for it but he doesn't get excited for it and it's hard to be excited for someone else's birthday when they aren't. Am I right?

One thing I COULD be excited for would be seeing the Tosh Tour Twenty Ten in Greensboro the 23rd BUT tickets are super duper expensive so I doubt that will happen.

I need to come up with something to be excited for during October or it's going to be such a long month.

Hey, maybe I will actually have my next appointment sometime in October instead of having to wait until November. That would be awesome enough for me! haha.

Anyways. I've complained enough. Hopefully I'll actually have something to talk about tomorrow.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fun tagged questions

I was tagged in this post . I have to answer these questions and then make 8 new questions and tag 8 more people. Here it goes. 

1. What is your favorite childhood memory?
I don't have much of a memory which stinks. But I guess I would say all of my dancing days. They were fun I'm sad sometimes that I gave it up. 
2. What do you do for a living (if you work outside the home or if you work at home)?
Right now I don't do anything. I am hoping to find a part time job soon until the baby comes. Then I will be a stay at home mommy<3
3. What is your favorite song at the moment? What is your favorite song ever?
Tough one. I'm not sure. Whether I like a song or not depends on my mood. 
4. What is your favorite TV channel to watch?
In the mornings it's ABC for Good Morning America, Ellen, and Dr. Oz. Then I usually move to HGTV. 
5. If you could have any job/profession, what would it be and why?
I would be a physical therapist. Preferably working with veterans who are injured or lost limbs. I would love the opportunity to not only extend my gratitude but to be able to get them to be able to live as normally as possible. 
6. What is your favorite outfit?
Right now it's one of 2 dresses I have. They are incredibly comfy and I really wish I bought all of the colors instead of just 2 lol.
7. If you could tell your teenage self something, what would you say?
I'm not sure. I would have to make a list because there is a lot I wish I could tell my teenage self. But I wouldn't want to alter any events so maybe I would just keep my mouth shut. 
8. What is your biggest blog pet peeve?
Umm, I don't really know. I have a lot of little things I don't like but in the end a blog is so you can write whatever you want right? I have to remember that more often. 

As for my 8 questions Here you go!
1. Who is your hero? Why?
2. Where are you from? Do you like it better there or wherever you are now?
3. What is your favorite TV show? 
4. If you had a choice would you be a stay at home mom or have a career? What career?
5. What is your best tip for new mothers?
6. What is one thing a lot of people or no one else knows about you?
7. Where is your favorite vacation spot? 
8. What is your favorite book? 

I'm not going to tag anyone for this. I want everyone who wants to answer these to answer them. Have fun with it :-) Sorry I'm awful at making questions haha. 

I've got to go get ready and then go get my teeth drilled again. yippie. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's Autumn!!

But it doesn't feel like it :-(

Ever since I went home I have been home sick. I think it's partially due to knowing in March I will be moving back and once I have plans set I get all antsy.

The bummer about being down here? The closest apple farms are around 3 hours away. If I ever got really motivated I might do that drive but 3 hours of driving for like 30 minutes of apple picking doesn't seem worth it. Boo.

Another bummer? It's still 90 out! It's a little breezier which is awesome but it's still hot.

Want one more? I know the leaves are changing up north and they aren't here. Ugh.

I miss New York. I can't wait to go home with my hubby for Thanksgiving.

BUT today, Nicole over at Flip Flops and Combat Boots and I are going to Wilmington for some shopping :-) Yay!

Have a great day everyone<3

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3

Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby update

My doctor appointment today was disastrous. First we checked in and were told the dr was backed up a little. So we waited just about an hour and 1/2 to see our doctor. Great. Then what made it worse was the appointment was pretty much just to hear the heartbeat. We didn't get an ultra sound or anything. He just waved a wand thing over my belly and called it a day. He didn't even tell us the difference between the baby's heart beat and mine so all I really heard was my heart beat I am pretty sure.

But wait it gets even better! I then had to wait another 30 minutes for the appointment lady to get back from lunch so I could schedule my 20 week appointment. Well not only did I have to wait an incredibly long time but she was a huge bitch. Sorry for my words but the aggression has to come out. You could read this lady's face and all it said was I hate my life and I am going to make yours miserable too. And boy did she!

She told me that since my due date was in march there wouldn't be enough available appointments to accommodate me and I would most likely have to wait until November. NOVEMBER!!! It's not even October yet! That means I have to at least wait 6 weeks for my next appointment. That's if I get in the first week of November which I am sure they won't be nice enough for that. 6 weeks puts me at the 22 week mark. I was informed today that because of my condition it is possible that I go into preterm labor around 24 weeks. As in 2 weeks after my next appointment.

I am trying not to freak out. I really can't help it though. I was told by the crazy lady that she would call me at the end of the month sometime to schedule my appointments. I plan on calling in 2 weeks to make sure I get an appointment within the next 4-5 weeks. If this is how they treat the high risk patience I don't want to know how they treat regular pregnancies.

Needless to say we did not find out the sex of our baby which at this point is really the least of my worries or aggravation. I now understand why people talk so badly about Naval Hospitals.

Ugh. Stressful day.

Today's the day!!

I am so excited!! My morning started with my husband's alarm going off. Thankfully he woke up around 7 so I just stayed up anyways. His alarm is that silly tiger song from The Hangover. What do your men wake up to? I bet it's not "What do tiger's dream of when they take a little tiger snooze?" haha

Hopefully I will be following this post up later with a post about whether we are having a boy or a girl! Every please keep your fingers crossed for us! :-)

I have another question for all the mommies and soon to be mommies out there. Since the beginning of this pregnancy I have gotten horrible break outs on my face, chest, and shoulders. I never really had great skin but I have never had anything like this! I have no idea what to do! I feel like I've tried everything. I've tried all the store face washes, ProActive and even just regular soap. Right now I am testing out Clinique which my cousin swears by and it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Did this happen to any of you? Did you find a solution? It's such a pain :-( Maybe I'll try asking my Dr about it today to see if he can recommend anything.

Anyways, just a couple more hours!! Yay!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My personal task

For a while now I have wanted to learn how to sew. I can do the little things like fix my hubby's clothes and replace buttons but I want to go further with it. I want to be able to work a sewing machine and be able to make really awesome creations.

I usually pick things up pretty quickly so I'm hoping if I just mess around with it for a little while I will eventually get the hang of it. It would be awesome to be able to make clothes or quilts or really anything!

I'm excited :-)

I think I need to learn to chill

I am a planner. I like to have everything planned out and thought through so I make sure everything goes smoothly. Well at least attempt to have things go smoothly.

Here is my problem. I am going absolutely crazy not knowing if we are having a boy or a girl! I have done as much of our registry as I possibly can without knowing the sex of our baby. I am I guess what you would say is ocd. I need things to match and I need to have extras of everything. I have our play yard, swing, stroller and all of that good stuff matching and it's gender neutral which normally I would not be ok with but the pattern is just so adorable I couldn't resist. Plus it actually works out so that we can keep it for future babies. Those are about the only things I can have be gender neutral though. Which presents my problem. I can't finish a huge chunk of the registry without knowing if we are having a boy or a girl.

It's really pathetic I know. But that's how ocd I am. If I have a girl I have to have pink or purple burping cloths. BURPING CLOTHS!! Something the baby is just going to spit up all over. It is ridiculous.

And I know I know, we still have the majority of the pregnancy left for things like that. The downer is that we have to do the baby shower November 27 because we are having it back home in NY and it might be the last time we can travel that far. I really want to have a baby shower knowing what we are going to have.

Ugh, I hate being so obsessive. I guess it's really good for other things though. Our house will never have clutter and will always be clean. It wont look like someone threw a bunch of mismatched furniture into a house because I think my head would explode if my house didn't flow ascetically. This goes all the way down to the fact that things have to be symmetrical in the house.

I'm so strange.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3 Thanks for loving me even though I'm crazy<3
Love you too Little Sykes<3 Whether you're a boy or girl, you're still amazing already<3

Semper Fi<3

Friday, September 17, 2010

Our beach adventure

The past couple of days my husband has gotten out of work around 12 thanks to a class he has to take. So yesterday I took advantage of that and dragged him to the beach with our dog. It was a really nice day for the beach. It was warm enough but had an amazing breeze. We sat on the beach for 3 hours which we never do. Usually 2 hours is the max for us because he has very fair skin.

So anyways we both have pretty bad sunburns after but it was still a good day minus some little things. Lets just say my husband really has no patience with me when it comes to little things I do. For instance, I was walking the dog at first and he was so excited to be at the beach that he tangled Jon and I up together and I thought by following him around in his little circle that we would get untangled but it just made things worse. So instead of my husband just saying "babe if you stop walking in a circle I can get us untangled" he said "BABE STOP RUNNING IN A CIRCLE!" In that tone where you can tell if you don't stop he might just burst. So then I get upset because I've told him over and over again the way he says things to me sometimes really makes me feel like he's reprimanding me instead of just simply speaking to me.

But that was over and done with I didn't want to ruin our nice day together so I just hand him the dog and we continue down the beach. THEN we see recon marines in their little boats speeding out to a much bigger ship. I said I wonder what they are doing and my husband said they are probably loading onto the ship. My thought is they are loading themselves onto the ship. Well apparently that was absolutely wrong and the were in fact loading the boats. Let me explain. I said "Well they should just do trips to get everyone onto the ship instead of taking 12 boats." My husband then looks at me and once again in his "your aggravating me"tone says "No their loading the ships onto the bigger ship. Little ships are going on the big ships." Like I'm 5 or something. But that one wasn't even the worst one.

When we were leaving the beach we had the dog off of his leash at first and I would call his name ever couple seconds to make sure he knew to stay a certain distance from us. Then we saw another couple coming onto the beach with a little dog so we put him on the leash and once they passed my husband just let the leash go. I continued calling his name but this time because he hates running with leashes attached if no ones holding it. Especially the retractable ones because they snap up on his paws. SO I was calling his name so he would stop and I could unhook the leash. This time my husband pretty much just yells at me telling me the dog isn't going anywhere and I can stop calling his name. Well if he had just been polite and had patience with me like I've told him OVER AND OVER again he would have realized I was just trying to take the leash off our dog who look terrified of this thing chasing him.

Anyways I think I owe all of this to the marine corps. I should really start making  a list of things that they have changed about my husband and write a letter of complaint if he doesn't get his original qualities back after he EASes. You know, like after prison they can collect their original belongings? Something like that.

I'm just upset by this all not angry or anything. I know he will get it right eventually. It's not like I'm going anywhere.

I Love You Mr. Sykes<3
You too Little Sykes<3

Semper Fi<3